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Lorenzini, G., Shaw, D. M., & Elger, B. S. (2022). It takes a pirate to know one: ethical hackers for healthcare cybersecurity. BMC Medical Ethics, 23, 131. 10.1186/s12910-022-00872-y
Lorenzini, G., Shaw, D. M., Arbelaez Ossa, L., & Elger, B. S. (2022). Machine learning applications in healthcare and the role of informed consent: Ethical and practical considerations. Clinical Ethics. 10.1177/14777509221094476
Laura Arbelaez Ossa, Georg Starke, Giorgia Lorenzini, Julia E. Vogt, David M. Shaw, & Bernice Simone Elger. (2022). Re-focusing explainability in medicine. DIGITAL HEALTH, 8, 20552076221074488. 10.1177/20552076221074488
Laura Arbelaez Ossa, Michael Rost, Giorgia Lorenzini, David M. Shaw, & Bernice Simone Elger. (2022). A smarter perspective: Learning with and from AI-cases. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 102458.
Gupta, Shivam, Mahsa Motlagh, and Jakob Rhyner. 2020. "The Digitalization Sustainability Matrix: A Participatory Research Tool for Investigating Digitainability" Sustainability 12, no. 21: 9283. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12219283
Friedrich, A.B., Mason, J. & Malone, J.R. Rethinking explainability: toward a postphenomenology of black-box artificial intelligence in medicine. Ethics Inf Technol 24, 8 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10676-022-09631-4
Schneider, E., Samsa, L.-A. and Dubljević, V. (2023): Political and ethical landscape of brain organoid research, Molecular Psychology: Brain, Behavior, and Society
Dempsey, R., Eskander, E. & Dubljević, V. (2023): Ethical Decision-Making in Law Enforcement: A Scoping Review, Psych 5(2): 576-601
Dempsey, R., Brunet, J. & Dubljević, V. (2023): Exploring and Understanding Law Enforcement’s Relationship with Technology: A Qualitative Interview Study of Police Officers in North Carolina, Applied Sciences, 13(6), 3887
Lang, A., Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2023): A Scoping Review of the Academic Literature on BCI Ethics, in Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (Eds.): Policy, Identity, and Neurotechnology: The Neuroethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp. 101-116.
Day, P., Twiddy, J. & Dubljević, V. (2022): Present and Emerging Ethical Issues with tDCS Use: A Summary and Review. Neuroethics
Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2022): Using Algorithms to Make Ethical Judgments: METHAD vs. the ADC Model. American Journal of Bioethics, 22(7): 41-43.
Pflanzer, M., Traylor, Z., Lyons, J., Dubljević, V. & Nam, C.S. (2022): Ethics of Human-AI Teaming: Principles and Perspectives. AI and Ethics
Dubljević, V., Douglas, S., Milojevich, J., Ajmeri, N., Bauer, W.A., List, G. & Singh, M. (2022): Moral and Social Ramifications of Autonomous Vehicles: A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Professional Drivers. Behaviour & Information Technology
Dubljević, V. & Bauer, W.A. (2022): Autonomous Vehicles and Basic Structure of Society, in Jenkins, R., Cerny, D. & Hrybek, T. (Eds.): Autonomous Vehicles Ethics, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 295-319.
Noble, S.M. & Dubljević, V. (2022): Ethics of AI in organizations, in Nam, C.S & Lyons, J. (Eds.): Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge MA: Academic Press, pp. 221-240.
Dubljević, V., List, G., Milojevich, J., Ajmeri, N., Bauer, W.A., Singh, M.P., Bardaka, E., Birkland, T.A., Edwards, C.H.W., Mayer, R.C., Muntean, I., Powers, T.M., Rakha, H.A., Ricks, V.A., & Shoaib Samandar, M. (2021): Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: A novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis, PLOS One.
Dubljević, V. & Bauer, W.A. (2021): Autonomous Vehicles and Basic Structure of Society, in Jenkins, R., Cerny, D. & Hrybek, T. (Eds.): Autonomous Vehicles Ethics, Oxford UP, https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780197639191.003.0018.
Dubljević, V. (2021): Toward Implementing the ADC Model of Moral Judgment in Autonomous Vehicles. Sci Eng Ethics (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11948-020-00242-0 : https://rdcu.be/b5sXZ.
Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2020): The Authenticity of Machine-Augmented Human Intelligence: Therapy, Enhancement, and the Extended Mind, Neuroethics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12152-020-09453-5.
Coin, A., Mulder, M. & Dubljević, V. (2020): Ethical Aspects of BCI Technology: What is the State of the Art? Philosophies
Ouchchy, L., Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2020): AI in the headlines: The portrayal of the ethical issues of artificial intelligence in the media, AI & Society.
Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2020): Carebots for Eldercare: Technology, Ethics, and Implications, in Nam, C.S. & Lyons, J. (Eds.): Trust in Human-Robot Interactions, Elsevier, pp. 553-569
Bauer, W.A. & Dubljević, V. (2019): AI Assistants and the Paradox of Internal Automaticity, Neuroethics
Jotterand, F. & Bosco, C. (2022). “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A Sword of Damocles?”, Journal of Medical Systems 46:9
Svensson, A.M. & Jotterand, F. (2022). “Doctor Ex Machina: A Critical Assessment of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care”, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47:155-178
Jotterand, F. & Bosco, C. (2020). “Keeping the ‘Human in the Loop’ in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Accompanying Commentary for "Correcting the Brain?" by Rainey and Erden, Science and Engineering Ethics DOI: 10.1007/s11948-020-00241-1
Jotterand, F. (2019 – published in 2020). “How AI Could Exacerbate our Incumbent Anthropological Identity Crisis” (Viewpoint), Bioethica Forum 12:1/2
Williams, A. M., Liu, Y., Regner, K.R., Jotterand, F. & Liang, M. (2018). “Artificial Intelligence, Physiological Genomics, and Precision Medicine”, Physiological Genomics 50:237-243
Jotterand, F. & Ienca, M. (Eds.) (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Brain and Mental Health: Philosophical, Ethical & Policy Issues. Springer Nature
Castro, H. (2023). ChatGPT and Healthcare: Unlocking The Potential Of Patient Empowerment
Jotterand, F. & Ienca, M. (Eds.) (2023). The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Human Enhancement. Routledge.
Castro, H. (2023). Transforming Healthcare with AI: The Emergence of ChatGPT-4 Powered Clinics
Sirmacek, B. et al. (2023). The Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Achieving Healthy and Sustainable Societies. In: Mazzi, F., Floridi, L. (eds) The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals . Philosophical Studies Series, vol 152. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21147-8_5
Castro, H. (2023). ChatGPT and Healthcare: The Key To New Future of Medicine
Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (Eds.) (2023): Policy, Identity, and Neurotechnology: The Neuroethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, In Press.
Dubljević, V. and Bottenberg, F. (Eds.) (2021): Living with Dementia: Ethical and Neuroscientific Issues in International Perspectives, Cham, Switzerland: Spring/Nature.
Jotterand, F. (2022). The Unfit Brain and the Limits of Moral Bioenhancement. Palgrave Macmillan.
Jotterand, F., Ienca, M., Wangmo, T. & Elger, B. (Eds.) (2019). Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Implications. Oxford University Press.
Dubljević, V. (2019): Neuroethics, Justice and Autonomy: Public Reason in the Cognitive Enhancement Debate, in Springer Book Series “The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology”, Heidelberg: Springer: https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783030136420#aboutBook.
Jotterand, F. and Dubljević, V. (Eds.) (2016): Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives, New York: Oxford University Press: https://www.oxfordscholarship.com/view/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199396818.001.0001/acprof-9780199396818
Jotterand, F., Ienca, M., Wangmo, T. & Elger, B. (Eds.) (2019). Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Implications. Oxford University Press.
Jotterand, F. & Dubljevic, V. (Eds.) (2016). Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives. Oxford University Press.
Laëtitia POULIQUEN, (2016). Woman 2.0: Feminism and transhumanism: what future for women?
Radio appearances
Jotterand, F. Interviewed by Bryan Belmer (with R. J. Nowling and Kevin Cohoon), “Artificial Intelligence and Ethics of AI in Health Care”, CTSI Discovery Radio, Episode #102, October 21, 2022. Available: https://ctsi.mcw.edu/blog/news-events/news/discovery-radio/discovery-radio-episode-102-artificial-intelligence-and-ethics-of-ai-in-healthcare/
Jotterand, F., Guest (with Allan McCay, University of Sydney), hosted by Dr. Radu-Eugen Golban, “Lumi in Coliziune” (“Collisions between the Worlds”) Show, Radio Gold FM, Bucharest, Romania. Topics: Neurorights, the ethical use of neurotechnology and artificial intelligence, and the social and regulatory implications of the implementations of these technologies, August 7th 2021.
Online articles
Jotterand, F. (2023, December). La atención sanitaria: ¿Un mundo feliz? (translation from English version: Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: A Brave New World?) Vanguardia Dossier, 90
AI and Robotics - Ethical Recommendations Ethical guidelines to be published by the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence in March 2019, https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/ai_ethical_recommendations.pdf
Jotterand, F. (2022). The Unfit Brain and the Limits of Moral Bioenhancement. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan