

  1. Lorenzini, G., Arbelaez Ossa, L., Shaw, D. M., & Elger, B. S. (2023). Artificial intelligence and the doctor-patient relationship expanding the paradigm of shared decision making. Bioethics, 1-6. 

  2. Lorenzini, G., Shaw, D. M., & Elger, B. S. (2022). It takes a pirate to know one: ethical hackers for healthcare cybersecurity. BMC Medical Ethics, 23, 131. 10.1186/s12910-022-00872-y  

  3. Lorenzini, G., Shaw, D. M., Arbelaez Ossa, L., & Elger, B. S. (2022). Machine learning applications in healthcare and the role of informed consent: Ethical and practical considerations. Clinical Ethics. 10.1177/14777509221094476 

  4. Laura Arbelaez Ossa, Georg Starke, Giorgia Lorenzini, Julia E. Vogt, David M. Shaw, & Bernice Simone Elger. (2022). Re-focusing explainability in medicine. DIGITAL HEALTH, 8, 20552076221074488. 10.1177/20552076221074488   

  5. Laura Arbelaez Ossa, Michael Rost, Giorgia Lorenzini, David M. Shaw, & Bernice Simone Elger. (2022). A smarter perspective: Learning with and from AI-cases. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 102458.

  6. Gupta, Shivam, Mahsa Motlagh, and Jakob Rhyner. 2020. "The Digitalization Sustainability Matrix: A Participatory Research Tool for Investigating Digitainability" Sustainability 12, no. 21: 9283.

  7. Friedrich, A.B., Mason, J. & Malone, J.R. Rethinking explainability: toward a postphenomenology of black-box artificial intelligence in medicine. Ethics Inf Technol 24, 8 (2022).

  8. Schneider, E., Samsa, L.-A. and Dubljević, V. (2023): Political and ethical landscape of brain organoid research, Molecular Psychology: Brain, Behavior, and Society

  9. Dempsey, R., Eskander, E. & Dubljević, V. (2023): Ethical Decision-Making in Law Enforcement: A Scoping Review, Psych 5(2): 576-601

  10. Dempsey, R., Brunet, J. & Dubljević, V. (2023): Exploring and Understanding Law Enforcement’s Relationship with Technology: A Qualitative Interview Study of Police Officers in North Carolina, Applied Sciences, 13(6), 3887

  11. Lang, A., Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2023): A Scoping Review of the Academic Literature on BCI Ethics, in Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (Eds.): Policy, Identity, and Neurotechnology: The Neuroethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, pp. 101-116. 

  12. Day, P., Twiddy, J. & Dubljević, V. (2022): Present and Emerging Ethical Issues with tDCS Use: A Summary and Review. Neuroethics

  13. Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2022): Using Algorithms to Make Ethical Judgments: METHAD vs. the ADC Model. American Journal of Bioethics, 22(7): 41-43.

  14. Pflanzer, M., Traylor, Z., Lyons, J., Dubljević, V. & Nam, C.S. (2022): Ethics of Human-AI Teaming: Principles and Perspectives. AI and Ethics

  15. Dubljević, V., Douglas, S., Milojevich, J., Ajmeri, N., Bauer, W.A., List, G. & Singh, M. (2022): Moral and Social Ramifications of Autonomous Vehicles: A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Professional Drivers. Behaviour & Information Technology

  16. Dubljević, V. & Bauer, W.A. (2022): Autonomous Vehicles and Basic Structure of Society, in Jenkins, R., Cerny, D. & Hrybek, T. (Eds.): Autonomous Vehicles Ethics, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 295-319.

  17. Noble, S.M. & Dubljević, V. (2022): Ethics of AI in organizations, in Nam, C.S     & Lyons, J. (Eds.): Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge MA: Academic Press, pp. 221-240. 

  18. Dubljević, V., List, G., Milojevich, J., Ajmeri, N., Bauer, W.A., Singh, M.P., Bardaka, E., Birkland, T.A., Edwards, C.H.W., Mayer, R.C., Muntean, I., Powers, T.M., Rakha, H.A., Ricks, V.A., & Shoaib Samandar, M. (2021): Toward a rational and ethical sociotechnical system of autonomous vehicles: A novel application of multi-criteria decision analysis, PLOS One.

  19. Dubljević, V. & Bauer, W.A. (2021): Autonomous Vehicles and Basic Structure of Society, in Jenkins, R., Cerny, D. & Hrybek, T. (Eds.): Autonomous Vehicles Ethics, Oxford UP,

  20. Dubljević, V. (2021): Toward Implementing the ADC Model of Moral Judgment in Autonomous Vehicles. Sci Eng Ethics (2020). :

  21. Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2020): The Authenticity of Machine-Augmented Human Intelligence: Therapy, Enhancement,

and the Extended Mind, Neuroethics,

  22. Coin, A., Mulder, M. & Dubljević, V. (2020): Ethical Aspects of BCI Technology: What is the State of the Art? Philosophies

  23. Ouchchy, L., Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2020): AI in the headlines: The portrayal of the ethical issues of artificial intelligence in the media, AI & Society.

  24. Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (2020): Carebots for Eldercare: Technology, Ethics, and Implications, in Nam, C.S. & Lyons, J. (Eds.): Trust in Human-Robot Interactions, Elsevier, pp. 553-569

  25. Bauer, W.A. & Dubljević, V. (2019): AI Assistants and the Paradox of Internal Automaticity, Neuroethics

  26. Jotterand, F. & Bosco, C. (2022). “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: A Sword of Damocles?”, Journal of Medical Systems 46:9

  27. Svensson, A.M. & Jotterand, F. (2022). “Doctor Ex Machina: A Critical Assessment of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care”, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47:155-178

  28. Jotterand, F. & Bosco, C. (2020). “Keeping the ‘Human in the Loop’ in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Accompanying Commentary for "Correcting the Brain?" by Rainey and Erden, Science and Engineering Ethics DOI: 10.1007/s11948-020-00241-1

  29. Jotterand, F. (2019 – published in 2020). “How AI Could Exacerbate our Incumbent Anthropological Identity Crisis” (Viewpoint), Bioethica Forum 12:1/2

  30. Williams, A. M., Liu, Y., Regner, K.R., Jotterand, F. & Liang, M. (2018). “Artificial Intelligence, Physiological Genomics, and Precision Medicine”, Physiological Genomics 50:237-243

  • Books

  1. Jotterand, F. & Ienca, M. (Eds.) (2021). Artificial Intelligence in Brain and Mental Health: Philosophical, Ethical & Policy Issues. Springer Nature

  2. Castro, H. (2023). ChatGPT and Healthcare: Unlocking The Potential Of Patient Empowerment

  3. Jotterand, F. & Ienca, M. (Eds.) (2023). The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Human Enhancement. Routledge.

  4. Castro, H. (2023). Transforming Healthcare with AI: The Emergence of ChatGPT-4 Powered Clinics 

  5. Sirmacek, B. et al. (2023). The Potential of Artificial Intelligence for Achieving Healthy and Sustainable Societies. In: Mazzi, F., Floridi, L. (eds) The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals . Philosophical Studies Series, vol 152. Springer, Cham.

  6. Castro, H. (2023). ChatGPT and Healthcare: The Key To New Future of Medicine 

  7. Coin, A. & Dubljević, V. (Eds.) (2023): Policy, Identity, and Neurotechnology: The Neuroethics of Brain-Computer Interfaces, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer, In Press.

  8. Dubljević, V. and Bottenberg, F. (Eds.) (2021): Living with Dementia: Ethical and Neuroscientific Issues in International Perspectives, Cham, Switzerland: Spring/Nature.

  9. Jotterand, F. (2022). The Unfit Brain and the Limits of Moral Bioenhancement. Palgrave Macmillan.

  10. Jotterand, F., Ienca, M., Wangmo, T. & Elger, B. (Eds.) (2019). Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Implications. Oxford University Press.

  11. Dubljević, V. (2019): Neuroethics, Justice and Autonomy: Public Reason in the Cognitive Enhancement Debate, in Springer Book Series “The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology”, Heidelberg: Springer:

  12. Jotterand, F. and Dubljević, V. (Eds.) (2016): Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives, New York: Oxford University Press:

  13.  Jotterand, F., Ienca, M., Wangmo, T. & Elger, B. (Eds.) (2019). Intelligent Assistive Technologies for Dementia: Clinical, Ethical, Social and Regulatory Implications. Oxford University Press.

  14. Jotterand, F. & Dubljevic, V. (Eds.) (2016). Cognitive Enhancement: Ethical and Policy Implications in International Perspectives. Oxford University Press.

  15. Laëtitia POULIQUEN, (2016). Woman 2.0: Feminism and transhumanism: what future for women?

  • Radio appearances

  1. Jotterand, F. Interviewed by Bryan Belmer (with R. J. Nowling and Kevin Cohoon), “Artificial Intelligence and Ethics of AI in Health Care”, CTSI Discovery Radio, Episode #102, October 21, 2022. Available:

  2. Jotterand, F., Guest (with Allan McCay, University of Sydney), hosted by Dr. Radu-Eugen Golban, “Lumi in Coliziune” (“Collisions between the Worlds”) Show, Radio Gold FM, Bucharest, Romania. Topics: Neurorights, the ethical use of neurotechnology and artificial intelligence, and the social and regulatory implications of the implementations of these technologies, August 7th 2021.

  • Online articles 

  1. Jotterand, F. (2023, December). La atención sanitaria: ¿Un mundo feliz? (translation from English version: Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: A Brave New World?) Vanguardia Dossier, 90

  2. AI and Robotics - Ethical Recommendations Ethical guidelines to be published by the European Commission High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence in March 2019,

  3. Monograph

  1. Jotterand, F. (2022). The Unfit Brain and the Limits of Moral Bioenhancement. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan